Kubis 2023-07-20T13:20:01+07:00 Ari Septianingtyas P., M.P. Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Kubis</strong> is journal a scientific media which is managed by Agribuisness Department of Agriculture Faculty of Islamic University of Jember (UIJ), which is lifted from research result and critical study.</p> <p><strong>Kubis</strong> is focused on Study Articles of Agricultural Socio-Economic Research Results and Review Articles in the Field of Social Sciences, Economics and Policy in Agriculture with various developments in general from upstream to downstream in agriculture.</p> <p><strong>Kubis</strong> is published two times a year, in May and November. Please submit your manuscript. Before submitting, please read the author guidelines.</p> <p><strong>Kubis</strong> is a media for disseminating information on the results of research and thought by lecturers, researchers, and practitioners interested in agricultural agribusiness and socio-economic progress.</p> <p><strong>Kubis</strong> with registration number p-issn : <a href="">2808-5434 </a>e-issn : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2808-4799</a></p> Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Jamur Tiram (Pleurotus Ostreatus) di Desa Cindogo Kecamatan Tapen Kabupaten Bondowoso 2022-11-12T00:50:35+07:00 Unung Rahmadi Rahmadi Tidar Aden Hawa <p><em>Bondowoso Regency is an area that has one of the potential villages, namely oyster mushrooms, especially in Cindogo Village, Tapen District. Even though Tapen District, especially in Cindogo Village, is a village that has a lot of potential such as brass crafts, Cindogo batik and its oyster mushroom business, Cindogo Village, Tapen District still has several obstacles that must be faced in terms of human resources (HR), which are still few, especially for businesses. Mushrooms that are still in little demand or are still only a few who cultivate them. So we need a way to develop and expand public knowledge about the cultivation of oyster mushroom business. The marketing mix applied to Mr Hariyansyah's mushroom business has not fully implemented the 7P marketing mix strategy properly and correctly. For example, in product packaging there is no labeling nor is the packaging less attractive, promoting products has not utilized social media, and there is also no bookkeeping, this shows that Mr. Hariyansyah's business is still classified as not fully implementing the marketing mix or marketing strategy. In the SWOT analysis, the internal/external development strategy within and outside the mushroom business owned by Mr. Hariyansyah has differences in comparison of internal factors, namely strengths and weaknesses and also differences in external factors, opportunities and threats.</em></p> 2024-02-23T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Kubis Analisis SCP (Structure, Conduct, Performance) Tembakau Voor-Oogst Kasturi di Kabupaten Jember 2023-07-20T13:20:01+07:00 Beby Alfin Naby Hikmatul Lutfiah <p>In Jember Regency, Kalisat District produces the most Voor-Oogst Kasturi tobacco. As a result, the purpose of this study is to understand the structure, conduct&nbsp; and performance of the Voor-Oogst Kasturi Tobacco Market in the Jember Regency. Purposive and snowball sampling were used to collect samples. Structure, Conduct, and Performance (SCP) analysis was the technique employed. The findings indicated that an oligopsony type of market structure existed between farmer marketing agencies, small netherlands, and wholesalers in the kasturi tobacco market. In addition, market activity affects prices at the level of farmers, small-scale traders, and major dealers as price takers, while warehouses act as the tobacco estuary and determine prices. The technique used to determine prices is a bargaining system, and the price correlations for otok'an tobacco were found to be 0.010, 0.008 for spun tobacco, and 0.002 for otok'an-untingan tobacco, meaning that it is not perfect.While this is going on, the marketing performance for squirt tobacco's first marketing channel shows a marketing margin of 0, with channel I's profit share being 65.17% and its cost share being 0.96%.</p> 2024-02-23T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Kubis Pertumbuhan Ekonomi dan Strategi Pengembangan Startup di Indonesia 2023-05-28T20:29:56+07:00 Nurul Lailatul Vitriyah <p><em>The impact of economic growth with the role of technology that leads to startups and support of the 1000 startup movement and determination of achievement of government's vision to make Indonesia as The Digital Energy of Asia in 2020 provides enormous opportunities for new startups. This study aims to find the critical success factors in young startups that have just been generated by using SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weakness, Oportunities, Threat) and in a descriptiongenerated by using SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weakness, Oportunities, Threat) and in a description describing startup businesses in Indonesia. Based on the results of the analysis there is a conclusion that funding, innovation in new fields and promotion can be a successful strategy for startups in Indonesia.</em></p> 2024-02-23T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Kubis Analisis Kelayakan Usaha Pupuk Organik Bokashi (Studi Kasus Pusat Pelatihan Pertanian dan Pedesaan Swadaya Karya Tani Desa Bagorejo Kecamatan Gumukmas Kabupaten Jember) 2023-01-26T12:00:58+07:00 Khusniatul Latifah Qory Zuniana <p><em>Indonesia is one of the countries that has abundant natural products to the fertility of it has. The agricultural sector provides the largest contribution as a supporter of food security. To develop the basis for agricultural growth, the government and investors began to provide introductions and knowledge to farmers about organic fertilizers. Organic fertilizer is a fertilizer made from natural ingredients without chemicals. So, it is very good for soil fertility. Seeing the benefits of organic fertilizer which has a very positive impact. there are some farmers who make this organic fertilizer a very promising business opportunity. The research carried out aims to : 1. To find out the business income of bokashi organic fertilizer 2. To determine the feasibility of bokashi organic fertilizer business 3. To determine the potential of bokashi organic fertilizer business.</em></p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p><em>The agricultural sector provides the largest contribution as a supporter of food security. Currently, the government and investors are starting to provide an introduction and knowledge to farmers about organic fertilizers. This study aims to determine the amount of bokashi organic fertilizer business income, to determine the feasibility of the bokashi organic fertilizer business, to determine the potential of the bokashi organic fertilizer business. The research location was chosen purposively with several considerations, including data collection methods using primary data and secondary data. Based on the results of the analysis, the business is feasible and the business is very profitable. The results of the SWOT analysis show that the position of the SWOT matrix diagram is in the Aggressive strategy.</em></p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p><em>The selection of this research location was done intentionally or purposive sampling with several considerations because the institution is an institution that does not focus on fertilizer production only, but also includes agricultural training. The data collection method uses primary data (observation, questionnaire interviews, documentation) secondary data obtained from agencies such as village offices and literature related to research.</em></p> <p><em>Based on the results of research using income analysis obtained income of 150,694,000. The RC Ratio value is 6.63 and the BC Ratio value is 5.63, so from the RC Ratio value we can see that the value is 6.63 &gt; 1, it can be concluded that the business is feasible, and the BC Ratio value is 5.63, the value is &gt; 1 then the business is very profitable. The results of the SWOT analysis show that the position of the SWOT matrix diagram is in a positive aggressive strategy, positive in quadrant 1 is obtained from reducing the number of strength and weakness variables and threats opportunity variables, this is a favorable situation. Its marketing strategy has both opportunities and strengths</em></p> <p> </p> <p><em><strong>ABSTRAK </strong></em></p> <p><em><strong> </strong>Khusniatul Latifah, 1803405031, judul “ Analisis Kelayakan Usaha Pupuk Organik (Studi Kasus Pusat Pelatihan Pertanian Dan Pedesaan Swadaya “ KARYA TANI’ Desa Bagorejo Kecamatan Gumukmas Kabupaten Jember )”</em></p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p><em>dibawah bimbingan Bapak Mochammad Yasin, S.Si.,MM dan Ibu Qory Zuniana SP.,MP.</em></p> <p><em>Indonesia adalah salah satu Negara yang memiliki hasil alam yang melimpah berkat kesuburan tanah yang dimilkki. Sektor pertanian memberikan kontribusi terbesar sebagai penyokong ketahanan pangan. Untuk mengembangkan dasar bagi pertumbuhan pertanian, Pihak pemerintah dan investor mulai memberikan pengenalan serta pengetahuan terhadap para petani tentang pupuk organik. Pupuk organik merupakan pupuk yang di buat dari bahan alami tanpa bahan kimia.. Jadi, sangat bagus untuk kesuburan tanah.. Melihat kemanfaatan pupuk organik yang sangat berdampak positif ada beberapa petani yang menjdikan pupuk organik ini menjadi peluang bisnis yang sangat menjanjikan.</em></p> <p><em>Penelitian yang dilaksanakan bertujuan untuk : 1<strong>. </strong>Untuk mengetahui besar pendapatan usaha pupuk organik bokashi 2. Untuk mengetahui kelayakan usaha pupuk organik bokashi 3. Untuk mengetahui potensi dari usaha pupuk organik bokashi.</em></p> <p><em> Pemilihan lokasi penelitian ini dilakukan secara sengaja atau purposive sampling dengan beberapa pertimbangan karena lembaga tersebut merupakan lembaga yang tidak berfokus terhadap produksi pupuk saja, namun juga terdapat pelatihan pertanian. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan data primer (Observasi, wawancara kuesioner, dokumentasi ) data sekunder diperoleh dari</em></p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p><em> instansi-instansi seperti kantor desa serta literatur-literatur yang berhubungan dengan penelitian</em></p> <p><em> Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang menggunakan analisis pendapatan diperoleh pendapatan sebesar 150.694.000. Nilai RC Ratio diperoleh 6,63 serta nilai BC Ratio diperoleh sebesar 5,63 maka dari nilai RC Ratio dapat kita lihat bahwa nilai 6,63 &gt; 1 dapat disimpulkan usaha tersebut layak untuk diusahakan, serta nilai BC Ratio 5,63 nilai tersebut &gt; 1 maka usaha tersebut sangat menguntungkan. Hasil analisis SWOT menunjukkan bahwa posisi diagram matrik SWOT berada di strategi Agresif yang positif, positif didalam kuadran 1 diperoleh dari pengurangan jumlah variabel kekuatan kelemahan serta variabel peluang ancaman ini merupakan situasi yang menguntungkan. strategi pemasarannya memiliki peluang dan kekuatan</em></p> <p> </p> <p> </p> 2024-02-23T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Kubis Studi Komparasi Bauran Pemasaran Pasar Tradisional dan Pasar Modern di Kecamatan Ambulu 2022-11-30T20:50:07+07:00 tsamrotul alawiyah Endang Wahyu Pudjiastutik <p><em>The ever-increasing developments in both the economic and technological sectors, require business people to continue to innovate in order to maintain their position, including business players in traditional markets. The purpose of this study is to find out how the traditional market marketing strategy and also to compare the marketing mix strategy between traditional markets and modern markets. In this study using a qualitative method with purposive sampling. Research results: 1) Traditional market marketing strategies for products sold are still partially sold with the latest models. Prices are determined based on a bargaining process. The location is easily accessible by consumers and close to the center of the crowd and is strategic. The promotions carried out are still not effective and not maximized because they are still using word of mouth promotion. 2) comparison of marketing strategies, traditional markets sell low quality and standard goods, goods sold are less varied and incomplete and goods that have been purchased may be exchanged, prices are not listed on the product, prices are negotiable, prices offered are inconsistent, prices are relatively cheap and direct payments to traders, the product location is not neat, it is located in the middle of a residential area, the place is narrow, cleanliness is not maintained and many public transportation passes, services are assisted by traders, promotions are carried out by word of mouth and rarely use social media. In the modern market, the goods sold are of standard and high quality, the goods sold are varied and in large quantities and the goods that have been purchased cannot be exchanged, the prices are listed on the products so that they are non-negotiable, the prices offered are consistent, the prices are relatively higher and the payment is made at the cashier. product location is neatly arranged, located in strategic locations tend to be crowded, the place is spacious, cleanliness is more maintained and many public transportation passes, services are carried out independently, promotions carried out include: discounts, buy 1 get 1 free, gift vouchers, raffle coupons and promotions done online using social media.</em></p> 2024-02-23T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Kubis Pengaruh Ketersediaan dan Kenaikan Harga Pupuk Urea terhadap Hasil Produksi Petani Padi Desa Sumbersalak Kecamatan Ledokombo Kabupaten Jember 2023-07-06T13:00:52+07:00 Ari Septianingtyas Purwandhini Moch. Feri Moniaga <p><em>Fertilizer is an important input for rice production, especially urea fertilizer is one of the most important fertilizers for agriculture, especially rice plants to increase rice production. The aim of the research was to determine the effect of the availability of urea fertilizer on rice production in Sumbersalak Village, Ledokombo District and to determine the effect of the increase in the price of urea fertilizer on rice production in Sumbersalak Village, Ledokombo District. The selection of the research location was carried out intentionally or purposive sampling. So that it determines 44 people as respondents who were taken deliberately and who are suitable as data sources. The analysis tool used is Multiple Regression. Based on the analysis, it is known that constant dependent variables such as availability (X1) and increases in fertilizer prices (X2) in decision making are known to influence rice production results.</em></p> 2024-02-23T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Kubis Strategi Bertahan (Survival Strategy) Pedagang Sayuran di Pasar Tradisional Pelita Kecamatan Kaliwates di Masa Covid-19 2023-02-09T14:01:13+07:00 Delina Tavaria Jovanka Deddy Kurniawan <p><em>The Pelita market is always busy every day with buyers, but due to the current condition of the Covid-19 pandemic, it has an impact on economic activity at the Pelita market. This resulted in a decrease in the total income of traders. To survive during the Covid-19 pandemic, traders carried out a survival strategy to continue to generate income. This study uses qualitative research methods, the type of research is field research with a descriptive approach. The data collection techniques are through observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques used pre-field analysis and data analysis in the field with the stages of data reduction, data presentation, and concluding. Test the validity of the data using source triangulation. The results showed: 1) Active strategy, by increasing the quality of goods and services, having family members who help work, and increasing working hours, 2) Passive strategy, namely by reducing merchandise inventory, reducing the number of employees, 3) Network strategy, by establishing good relationships with buyers, depositing merchandise at nearby stalls, as well as doing a side online business.</em></p> 2024-02-23T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Kubis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Keputusan Konsumen terhadap Pembelian Sayuran Holtikultura di Pasar Tradisional Bangsalsari 2022-12-03T23:02:16+07:00 Layli Rizka Dewi Mochammad Yasin <p><em>Development in agriculture, especially the food crops and horticulture sub-sector, currently has a very important role for the community in fulfilling food and nutrition as well as increasing people's income and welfare. The aims of the research are to find out what factors influence consumer decisions to purchase horticultural vegetables and to find out what factors are most dominant in influencing consumer decisions to purchase horticultural vegetables The selection of the research location was carried out intentionally or through purposive sampling. The researcher determined 50 people as respondents who were taken deliberately and who were suitable as data sources. The data collection method uses primary and secondary data obtained from agencies such as market offices, village offices and other relevant literature.The results showed that it was known that internal factors had a dominant influence on consumer decisions in purchasing horticultural vegetables, factors that most dominantly influenced consumer decisions in purchasing horticultural vegetables were habit factors</em></p> 2024-02-23T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Kubis