JURNAL AGROPLANT https://ejurnal.uij.ac.id/index.php/AGR <p>Agroplant is a journal published by the Faculty of Agriculture, Islamic University of Jember, Indonesia. The following scientific journals are for publishing research papers in agricultural technology and agricultural engineering. Agroplant has p_issn 1907-7092- e_issn 2809-5677 . The Agroplant Journal is published twice a year in July and January.</p> en-US agroplantpertanian@gmail.com (Readaksi Jurnal) agroplantpertanian@gmail.com (Silvia Fitri Mei Arini) Sat, 25 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Pengaruh Pemberian Pupuk Organik Cair (POC) Daun Papaya ( Carica papaya L. ) terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Cabai Rawit ( Capsicum fritescens L.) https://ejurnal.uij.ac.id/index.php/AGR/article/view/3150 <p><em>Cayenne pepper (Capsicum frutescens L.) is one of the horticultural crops that is widely cultivated by farmers because of its great demand by the community, not only in the household but also for industrial purposes and for export abroad. Cayenne pepper contains quite a lot of nutrients and quite a lot of benefits. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of liquid organic fertilizer (POC) on papaya leaves (C. papaya) on the growth of cayenne pepper (C. frutescens). The study used a completely randomized design with three treatments namely liquid organic fertilizer (POC), positive control (K+) and negative control (K-). Each treatment was carried out in quadruples. The results of the ANOVA test with cayenne pepper showed: 1) the average value of plant height was 0.045; 2) the significance value of the number of leaves is 0.038; 3) The significance value is 0.273 for the number of branches. It can be concluded that the application of papaya leaves (POC) has a significant effect on cayenne pepper (C. frutescens) which has a very good value compared to the use of chemical fertilizers (NPK), so it is continued in the Duncan test experiment. The results of the Duncan test for cayenne pepper plant height showed that the POC treatment had a significant effect on plant height and number of leaves compared to the negative control (k-) and positive control (k+). This is due to the addition of organic matter from fermented cow urine and papaya leaves as well as nutrients in the soil, which can be beneficial both for the soil and for plants.</em></p> Reni Adi Saputri, Diah Sudiarti, Imam Bukhori Copyright (c) 2025 Reni Adi Saputri, Diah Sudiarti, Imam Bukhori https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0 https://ejurnal.uij.ac.id/index.php/AGR/article/view/3150 Tue, 28 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Pengaruh Konsentrasi Nutrisi AB Mix Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Tiga Varietas Tomat Cherry (Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme) Hidroponik Sistem NFT https://ejurnal.uij.ac.id/index.php/AGR/article/view/3667 <p><em>Hydroponics is used as a solution to the problems in conventional plant cultivation, such as soil fertility, fertilization, irrigation, pest and disease attacks, and the decreasing availability of agricultural land. This research aims to determine the best concentration of AB Mix nutrients for the growth and production of three varieties of cherry tomatoes (</em><em>Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme</em><em>) in a hydroponic NFT system. This study used a 3 x 3 factorial Randomized Complete Design (RCD) with three replications. The first factor was the concentration of AB Mix nutrients (K), consisting of three levels: 700 ppm, 1000 ppm, 1400 ppm (K1); 900 ppm, 1200 ppm, 1700 ppm (K2); and 1100 ppm, 1400 ppm, 2000 ppm (K3). The second factor was the variety (T), which consisted of three varieties: Cherry Tomato (T1), Golden Sweet Tomato (T2), and Red Ruby Tomato (T3). Data from observations were analyzed using an F-test to determine the effects of the treatments. If significant differences were found, Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at the 0.05 level was applied. Data analysis was performed using SPSS 26 for Windows. The results of the study showed that the best AB Mix nutrient concentration (900–1700 ppm) promoted the best growth and production in all three cherry tomato varieties, based on plant height, number of leaves, number of fruits per plant, number of fruits per bunch, and fruit weight. The cherry tomato variety demonstrated the best growth and production. The best interaction was found between the AB Mix nutrient concentration (900–1700 ppm) and the cherry tomato variety.</em></p> Mohamad Urfan, Endang Sri Wahyuni Copyright (c) 2025 Mohamad Urfan, Endang Sri Wahyuni https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0 https://ejurnal.uij.ac.id/index.php/AGR/article/view/3667 Tue, 28 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Efektivitas Dosis NPK Mutiara dan Pupuk Kandang Kambing terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Tomat (Solanum lycopersicum L.) https://ejurnal.uij.ac.id/index.php/AGR/article/view/3727 <p><em>The need for tomatoes increases every year, but plant productivity is less stable due to several factors such as season, soil fertility and nutrition. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the dose of NPK pearl and goat manure on the growth and yield of tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum </em>L<em>.). This study was conducted in Karangtemplek Village, Ambulu District, Jember, East Java at an altitude of 70 meters above sea level, starting from December 2023 to March 2024. This study used a factorial Randomized Block Design with 3 replications. The first factor is the dose of NPK pearl fertilizer with 4 levels, namely: N0 = 0 g / plant, N1 = 5 g / plant, N2 = 7 g / plant, N3 = 9 g / plant. The second factor is the dose of goat manure with 4 levels, namely: K0 = 0 g / plant, K1 = 100 g / plant, K2 = 125 g / plant, K3 150 = g / plant. The data obtained were analyzed by analysis of variance, if there was a significant difference in the treatment, then continued with the Duncan test at the 5% level. The results showed that the NPK pearl dose of 9 g/plant had the best effect on plant height and stem diameter, the NPK dose of 5 g - 7 g/plant was effective in the number of leaves, flowering age, number of fruits, fruit weight per unit and fruit weight per plant. The goat manure dose of 125 g - 150 g/plant was more effective in its effect on plant height and fruit volume. The interaction between NPK pearl fertilizer and goat manure had no significant effect on all observation parameters.</em></p> Mohammad Juhri Rosadi, Nanik Furoidah Copyright (c) 2025 Mohammad Juhri Rosadi, Nanik Furoidah https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0 https://ejurnal.uij.ac.id/index.php/AGR/article/view/3727 Tue, 28 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Pengaruh Pemberian Kombinasi Nutrisi NPK dengan PSB terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Cabai Merah (Capsicum annuum L.) di Polybag https://ejurnal.uij.ac.id/index.php/AGR/article/view/3794 <p><em>The aim of this research was to determine the effect of providing photosynthetic bacteria with NPK pearl fertilizer on the growth and yield of large red chili plants. This research was carried out in Paluombo Hamlet, Sumbersalak Village, Ledokombo District, Jember Regency from mid-January to March 2024 at an altitude of 801 meters above sea level. This study used a non-factorial randomized block design (RAK) with 6 treatments and 6 replications. The treatments are P0 = Control; P1= NPK 25 gr/plant; P2= NPK 15 g/plant and PSB 15 ml/L; P3 = NPK 20 g/plant and PSB 10 ml/L; P4 = NPK 25 g/plant and PSB 5 ml/L; P5 = NPK 10 g/plant and PSB 20 ml/L. Observation data is analyzed using the F test (Data Analysis). If there are significant differences, it will be continued with the LSD (Last Significant Difference) test at the 5% level. The results showed that the treatment of NPK pearl fertilizer with PSB did not have a real effect on all observation parameters, however, the treatment of NPK fertilizer 20 g/plant with PSB 10 ml/L showed the highest average results in observing the number of branches, number of fruit branches and fruit weight.</em></p> Saripi Saripi, Mawardi Mawardi Copyright (c) 2025 Saripi, Mawardi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0 https://ejurnal.uij.ac.id/index.php/AGR/article/view/3794 Tue, 28 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Pengaruh Pemberian Jenis Pupuk terhadap Pertumbuhan Vegetatif Tanaman Jagung (Zea mays L.) Hibrida https://ejurnal.uij.ac.id/index.php/AGR/article/view/3141 <p><em>One of the main commodities that Indonesia strategically uses to support its economy and growth is maize. This commodity is promising as a food alternative to rice, which is a valuable commodity with a high market value and is often used as the main raw material for animal feed. Plants that lack N, P, and K will experience nutrient deficits in corn plants, resulting in suboptimal growth characterized by stunting and even death. When the needs of N, P, and K are met, plants will develop optimally. The research was conducted from December 2022 to January 2023 in the Greenhouse of Seed Production Engineering of Jember State Polytechnic, this research used a non-factorial Randomized Group Design (RGD) design with one factor repeated 3 times. If there is a significant difference between treatments, further test will be conducted using DMRT (Duncan Multiple Range Test). The results showed that the treatment of N, P and K fertilizer deficiency did not experience a significant effect or not significantly different from the vegetative growth of age (30 DAP) in hybrid corn plants.</em></p> Rahmat Dwi Yulianto Copyright (c) 2025 Rahmat Dwi Yulianto https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0 https://ejurnal.uij.ac.id/index.php/AGR/article/view/3141 Tue, 28 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Intensitas Serangan Penyakit Karat Daun (Phakopsora pachyrhizi) Pada Beberapa Varietas Kedelai (Glycine max (L). Merril) https://ejurnal.uij.ac.id/index.php/AGR/article/view/3799 <p><em>This study aims to examine the intensity of Rust Disease (Phakopsora pachyrhhizi) and the resistance of soybean varieties (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) to crop yields. This study uses a Random Group Design (RAK) consisting of four varieties of soybeans, namely Wilis, Malabar, Ringgit and Dega-1. With 4 replicates and each replicate 5 plant samples were taken. The basic fertilizer used in accordance with the technical instructions of the national soybean consortium is 75 kg ZA + 100 kg SP36 + 75 kg KCl/ha + 5 tons of manure/ha. The observation data was analyzed using Analysis of Variance (F test). If the results show a real influence, the Smallest Real Difference (BNT) test of 5% will be continued. The study showed that the intensity of leaf rust attack and soybean resistance resulted in a dry weight of 19.70 g of Ringgit varieties, 18.05 g of Wilis, 17.05 g higher than that of the Dega-1 variety which weighed 6.25 g.</em></p> Silvia Fitri Mei Arini, Muhammad Arya Pamungkas Copyright (c) 2025 via Fitri Mei Arini, Muhammad Arya Pamungkas https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0 https://ejurnal.uij.ac.id/index.php/AGR/article/view/3799 Tue, 28 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700