FAJAR Jurnal Pendidikan Islam 2024-12-11T09:36:16+07:00 Elga Yanuardianto Open Journal Systems <p><em><strong>FAJAR: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam</strong></em> published by the Islamic Religious Education Study Program of the Faculty of Tarbiyah at the Islamic University of Jember, with e-ISSN 2808-4527 and p-ISSN 2809-2864, serves as a publication platform for research results and scientific studies by Lecturers, Teachers, Practitioners, Supervisors, and Students. It discusses issues related to Islamic Religious Education learning and the thoughts of Islamic Religious Education figures</p> <p><em><strong>FAJAR: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam</strong></em>is published biannually, in March and September. We continuously strive to improve the quality of this journal and hope that it can be beneficial for the development of academic quality in the field of Islamic Education.</p> ABDI DALEM DI PESANTREN: STUDI FENOMENOLOGI TENTANG MAKNA HIDUP SANTRI YANG MENGABDI PADA KIAI 2024-09-25T15:46:59+07:00 Iqbal Hamdan Habibi <p>Abdi dalem is a santri who dedicates themselves to serving a kiai at a pesantren (Islamic boarding school). This study aims to identify the psychological phenomena experienced by abdi dalem during their service period and to understand their perception of the meaning of life. The qualitative research method with a phenomenological approach, involving abdi dalem from the Hidayatul Mubtadi’ien Ngunut Tulungagung pesantren as the main subjects. Data collection techniques include semi-structured interviews, participant observation, and documentation. The results of the study reveal four main phenomena: emotional turmoil, concern for the kiai, commitment, and life lessons in the form of patience and sincerity. For the abdi dalem, the meaning of life is surrender to God, focusing on current duties with the hope of gaining blessings in the future. This study contributes to Islamic studies, particularly in pesantren and religious studies, by linking them to social and psychological aspects</p> 2024-10-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 FAJAR Jurnal Pendidikan Islam IMPLEMENTASI GERAKAN LITERASI SEKOLAH DALAM MENINGKATKAN MINAT BACA SISWA KELAS IX SMPN 70 BENGKULU UTARA 2024-10-12T11:07:22+07:00 Vera Budi Asih <p>In order to enhance reading interest, SMP Negeri 70 Bengkulu has implemented a Literacy Movement for all students. This includes the establishment of reading huts and classroom reading corners, or Library Corners, supported by a well-equipped library. The initiative encourages students to read not only textbooks but also non-textbook materials. The focus of this research is: 1) How is the implementation of the school's literacy movement at the habituation stage? 2) How is the implementation of the school's literacy movement at the development stage? 3) How is the implementation of the school's literacy movement at the learning stage in improving students' reading interest at SMP Negeri 70 Bengkulu? The research uses a qualitative approach and employs a phenomenological study method. Data collection methods include observation, interviews, and documentation, while data analysis uses an interactive model, consisting of data collection, data condensation, data display, conclusion drawing, and verification. The results of this study are: First, the habituation stage involves a daily 15-minute reading session, either aloud or silently, conducted at the beginning, middle, or end of lessons. The titles and authors of the books read by the students are recorded in a daily journal. Second, the development stage involves a 15-minute reading session before lessons begin. Students engage in responding to enrichment books during literacy hours or in the library, classroom reading corners, or other relevant lesson periods. The school offers a varied collection of enrichment books. Third, the learning stage, which has already been implemented at SMP Negeri 70 Bengkulu, incorporates the use of enrichment books in all subjects. Reading strategies are employed to improve students' comprehension of texts across all subjects. Students respond to readings through activities such as oral presentations, written work, art, and other forms of expression in line with their literacy skills.</p> 2024-10-16T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 FAJAR Jurnal Pendidikan Islam PENGARUH PEMBELAJARAN MATEMATIKA BERBASIS AKIDAH AKHLAK TERHADAP SIKAP MODERASI BERAGAMA SISWA DI MTS. AL-KHAIRIYAH TEMPUREJO JEMBER 2024-10-29T08:14:36+07:00 Moh. Al-Faiz Jasuli Jasuli Moh. Qurtubi Ida Andriyani <p>This study aims to examine the influence of faith and morality-based mathematics instruction on students' religious moderation attitudes at MTs. Al-Khairiyah Tempurejo Jember. A quasi-experimental method was employed with two groups: an experimental group that received mathematics instruction integrated with faith and moral values, and a control group that received conventional mathematics instruction. Data analysis utilized a t-test to assess significant differences between the two groups, alongside descriptive analysis to illustrate the profile of students' religious moderation attitudes. The results indicate that integrating faith and moral values into mathematics education enhances students' religious moderation, tolerance, and empathy. Additionally, this approach strengthens students' academic performance. The experimental group showed a more significant improvement compared to the control group. Thus, integrating faith and moral education into mathematics lessons is considered effective in shaping students' moderate and ethical character.</p> 2024-11-04T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 FAJAR Jurnal Pendidikan Islam PENGARUH ETIKA ISLAM TERHADAP SIKAP TOLERANSI DAN KETERBUKAAN PADA PENDIDIKAN DASAR MULTIKULTURAL BERBASIS MODERASI BERAGAMA 2024-11-12T09:19:32+07:00 Luluk Mascluhah Marfu'ah Marfu'ah Ida Rahmawati <p>This study examines the influence of Islamic ethics on tolerance and openness in multicultural education based on religious moderation at the elementary education level. Utilizing a quantitative approach with a quasi-experimental design, this research involves students divided into experimental and control groups. The findings indicate that integrating Islamic ethics with religious moderation significantly enhances students' tolerance and openness. The experimental group, which received Islamic ethics-based education, demonstrated increased tolerance toward cultural differences and openness to diverse values. These findings underscore the importance of applying moderate Islamic values in multicultural education as an effort to form an inclusive and harmonious generation amidst diversity.</p> 2024-11-14T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 FAJAR Jurnal Pendidikan Islam PENDEKATAN PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA INGGRIS BERBASIS ISLAM DALAM MENINGKATKAN SIKAP MODERASI BERAGAMA DI SMK MADINATUL ULUM JEMBER 2024-12-05T08:36:08+07:00 Herlinda Herlinda Mahnawawe Yakoh <p>This study aims to explore the Islamic-based English language learning approach in enhancing religious moderation attitudes at SMK Madinatul Ulum Jember. Considering Indonesia as the country with the largest Muslim population in the world, education plays a strategic role in shaping students' character and attitudes. This approach emphasizes the importance of Islamic values such as tolerance, openness, and ethics, which support multicultural education and religious moderation. The findings suggest that by integrating these values into English language learning, students can develop a moderate attitude that avoids extremism and intolerance, thereby contributing to the creation of a harmonious and tolerant society.</p> 2024-12-06T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 FAJAR Jurnal Pendidikan Islam EFEKTIVITAS KEBIJAKAN KEPALA SEKOLAH DALAM MENINGKATKAN KOMPETENSI PROFESIONAL GURU 2024-12-09T14:05:15+07:00 Muhammad Ilyas Andi Purbaya Maria Ulfa <p>The head of the madrasa is the leader of the institution he or she leads. The progress and development of the institution is the task and responsibility of the madrasa head. A leader is someone who carries out activities to influence others in the environment in a specific situation, so that others are willing to work with a sense of responsibility in order to achieve the set goals. The success of the madrasa head in implementing policy programs is assumed to be the result of the hard work and skill of the madrasa head in creating operational policies to improve the professionalism of teachers. This research aims to examine the implementation of the Satmingkal policy (four times a week) in improving the professional competence of teachers in mastering the subjects taught and in developing teaching materials at MTs SA Al-Alawiyah Karangpring, Sukorambi, Jember. The research method used is a qualitative method with a phenomenological research type. This is a qualitative study with data sources from the school principal, vice-principal of curriculum, and teachers at MTs SA Al-Alawiyah Karangpring, Sukorambi, Jember. Data collection methods include interviews, observation, and documentation related to the Satmingkal policy and the improvement of teacher professionalism at MTs SA Al-Alawiyah Karangpring, Sukorambi, Jember. The data analysis technique used in this study is triangulation of techniques and triangulation of sources. Based on the research results, the implementation of the "one week four times" policy in improving teacher professionalism in mastering subject matter at MTs SA Al-Alawiyah has shown an improvement. Initially, teachers only came to teach, but after following the Satmingkal policy, teachers had more time to participate in educational and teaching training sessions. In these activities, teachers were able to gain knowledge, insights, and experiences from teachers at other institutions with similar fields. Therefore, in the classroom, these teachers were able to deliver and explain the material effectively. Meanwhile, the implementation of the "one week four times" policy to enhance teacher professionalism in the development of teaching materials includes developing active strategies through game methods and mimicking role models in the material (drill method).</p> 2024-12-11T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 FAJAR Jurnal Pendidikan Islam