Penyuluhan dan Diskusi Untuk Pencegahan Perilaku Bullying Pada Siswa Kelas 6 SD Negeri 09 Tanjung Batu


  • Rina Oktaviana Universitas Bina Darma Palembang, Indonesia
  • Yunia Tabita Purba Universitas Bina Darma Palembang, Indonesia



Adolescents; Adolescent Development; bullying and the impact of bullying.


 The term adolescence comes from the Latin word adolescere which means "to grow" or "to grow into adulthood". Adolescence can be interpreted as a time when someone grows from childhood to maturity. Schools play an important role in the psychological, social and emotional development of a teenager. A positive environment will have an impact on positive mental development and vice versa. At school, children are taught to form positive social interactions, namely creating healthy relationships, mutual respect, appreciation, cooperation and mutual support between students at school. Bullying comes from the word bully which means a bully, a person who disturbs weak people. Smith and Thompson argue that bullying behavior is a set of deliberate actions that cause physical and psychological injury to the victim (Yunistita et al., 2022). Forms of bullying behavior according to Sejiwa (Dewi, 2020) are a). physical bullying, b). verbal bullying and c). mental bullying or also known as social bullying. The impact of bullying on the perpetrator can cause the perpetrator to have a less empathetic attitude and social interaction.



How to Cite

Oktaviana, R., & Tabita Purba, Y. . (2025). Penyuluhan dan Diskusi Untuk Pencegahan Perilaku Bullying Pada Siswa Kelas 6 SD Negeri 09 Tanjung Batu. Al-Khidmah Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 5(1).


