Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat2025-02-06T15:02:41+07:00Ahmad Fauziahmadfauzi.12081989@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p>Al-Khidmah Community Service Journal published by the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) of the Islamic University of Jember is a means of publishing articles resulting from community service from various disciplines and academics both nationally and internationally. The Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) of the Islamic University of Jember publishes this journal starting in October 2021.</p> <p>Starting from Volume 5 No. 1 in 2025, there will be a change in the publication frequency, which was initially 6 months to 4 months, namely in the months (April, August and December)</p> Sehat dan Ekonomis Melalui Budidaya Tanaman Obat Keluarga Desa Karang Panggung2024-12-23T10:21:22+07:00Sekar Ayu Ningsihsekarraayuuu@gmail.comM. Ergiyandi Barokhaergyandibarokha@gmail.comRichwan Gunawan Simbolonrichwangunawan790@gmail.comNadya E E Nainggolanevelina090403@gmail.comFransiska Aprilia Ayu Payu.bkl77889@gmail.comBarika<p><em>Community service activities regarding the utilization of Family Medicinal Plants (TOGA) are designed to increase the awareness of village officials regarding the benefits of TOGA, provide training related to cultivation, minimize dependence on chemical drugs, and make Karang Panggung village officials. This program aims to promote the use of TOGA as an affordable and independent alternative health solution. The program was implemented by Group 9 of the Bengkulu University Development Economics Department in Karang Panggung Village, Merigi Sakti District, Central Bengkulu Regency. This village has an area of 3 km² with undulating geographical conditions. The program began with a survey to determine suitable land and types of medicinal plants that could be planted in the village. The main activity, namely the survey, was carried out on November 7, 2024 and planting as well as socialization on November 19, 2024, the planting location on the land that had been prepared at the Karang Panggung Village office. Planting was carried out together with village officials, with the aim of building a Living Pharmacy Garden that is easy to maintain and monitor. This activity shows the enthusiasm of village officials who actively support the program, as well as the availability of TOGA planting facilities that are expected to be utilized by the community in a sustainable manner. This program contributes to increasing community awareness of the importance of TOGA and becomes an example for other villages in managing family medicinal plants.</em></p>2025-02-06T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Sekar Ayu Ningsih, M. Ergiyandi Barokha, Richwan Gunawan Simbolon, Nadya E E Nainggolan, Fransiska Aprilia Ayu P, Barika Barika Kesehatan Guru PAUD tentang Pertumbuhan dan Perkembangan Anak2024-12-23T10:17:07+07:00Asri iman Trianggaluh Dwi<p>Increasing the health literacy of PAUD teachers through consolidating health literacy using Maternal and Child Health (KIA) books. Monitoring children's growth and development can be done using the KIA book as an instrument or tool for monitoring children's growth and development. This program is carried out at PAUD Al Muttaqin, Jember Regency, involving PAUD teachers as the main partners in monitoring children's growth and development activities. Training and mentoring is provided to PAUD teachers to improve their ability to regularly monitor children's health and collaborate with health workers and parents. It is hoped that this program will be able to improve health management in PAUD, improve monitoring of child growth and development, and contribute to reducing stunting rates. Apart from that, this program also provides learning experiences for students within the framework of the Independent Learning Campus.</p>2025-02-06T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 asri iman sari Pemeriksaan Kesehatan Internasional Dengan Screening Test Penyakit Tidak Menular pada Masyarakat di Distric Aileu, Timor Leste 2024-12-23T10:15:40+07:00Miftahur Ainul Fikriyahmiftahuraf123@gmail.comMuhammad Fakhrur Afifafifakhur@gmail.comNovemika Fitria Aswindanovemikafitria@gmail.comHendra Dwi Eka<p> </p> <p><em>Community service through health checks in villages that are far from access to health on the international stage is an initiative to overcome this inequality. Therefore, the University of Dr. Soebandi actively plays a role in developing health internationally by carrying out community service through non-communicable disease screening activities in neighboring countries, namely Timor Leste, specifically in the Seloi Malere suco, Aileu district. Through this approach, it is hoped that early detection of health problems can be carried out, increase awareness about health in the community, build international cooperation, and contribute to more equitable global health development. The stages carried out before carrying out this community service activity were confirmation with the Seloi Malere tribal chief, after that the tribal chief met with the xefe aldeia (RW head) from Kabas Fatin, Cotabauru and Maurusa for coordination with the residents, the day of implementation, and the location where the activity is carried out. In the examination data, it was also found that many people in Aileu District have high blood pressure.</em></p>2025-02-06T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Miftahur Ainul Fikriyah, Muhammad Fakhrur Afif, Novemika Fitria Aswinda Inisiasi Kelompok Siap Tanggap (Siaga) Cedera pada Siswa di SMPN 1 Kalisat2024-12-23T10:16:31+07:00Eky Madyaning Nastitins.ekykusuma@gmail.comRida Darotinrida148@gmail.comIndri Dwi Hapsari<p><em>Students get injuries because of cuts, bleeding and sprains. Injuries occur with activities carried out such as academic learning in the form of sports. First aid is emergency care or treatment before medical help can be given to prevent serious problems. The aim of PKM is to form a group of injury prepared students so that they will later become first responder initiators. The method is through a series of health education and training using short films in regional languages at SMPN 1 Kalisat. The results of the activity showed that there was an increase in students' knowledge from those previously in the inappropriate category. After the activity was carried out in the very appropriate category. Health Education Activities are the first step in initiating students to be prepared for injuries. This initiation is to form extracurricular PMR which has not yet been formed at school.</em></p>2025-02-06T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Eky Madyaning Nastiti, Rida Darotin, Indri Dwi Hapsari Keuangan Digital Sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Penipuan Perbankan dan Mitigasi Kebocoran Data Pribadi2025-01-13T10:25:21+07:00Mila Irian<p><em>The development of digital technology has had a significant impact on the banking industry, especially in transaction patterns and financial management. However, this progress is also accompanied by an increase in cybercrime risks, such as banking fraud and personal data breaches. The low level of digital financial literacy among students makes this group more vulnerable to various modes of banking fraud. This program aims to improve the digital financial literacy of students as an effort to prevent banking fraud and mitigate personal data breaches. The activities were conducted through mini seminars and interactive discussions, providing materials that included education on the use of secure passwords, identification of fraud schemes, and steps to mitigate data breaches. The results show that 76.7% of students have a better understanding of digital financial literacy and the importance of personal data protection. With a better understanding of the risks and preventive measures, students are more prepared to face digital threats when using banking services.</em></p>2025-02-06T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Mila Irian Diana, Ira Wikartika Production Training and Floating Net Cage Utilization for Fish Farming at KUPS Fisheries, LPHD Tanjung Sangalang, Pulang Pisau, Central Kalimantan 2025-01-13T10:26:11+07:00Ahmad Muammar Devana Putridvanaap18@gmail.comTio Pinta Agustina Tambatiopintaagustina11@gmail.comDwi Septiana Safirasafira2325@gmail.comAgung Dirgantara Sylvia<p><em>This article addresses the growing demand for fish products in Indonesia, driven by increased per capita fish consumption, which has risen from 43.88 to 54.49 kg annually. This surge has led to an expansion of fish farming activities, particularly within small-scale enterprises. However, a significant challenge faced by these farmers is the high cost of commercial fish feed, which accounts for 60-80% of total production expenses. These costs are further amplified by the reliance on expensive and environmentally harmful imported ingredients such as fishmeal and soybean meal. In response to these challenges, this study focuses on a community service initiative conducted at KUPS Fisheries in Tanjung Sangalang, Pulang Pisau, Central Kalimantan. The project aimed to provide local fish farmers with essential skills in feed production and the utilization of floating net cages for sustainable fish farming. Through training and hands-on practice, participants were introduced to cost-effective, locally sourced alternatives for fish feed, reducing dependency on expensive imports. The initiative also promoted environmentally friendly practices, contributing to both the economic and ecological sustainability of small-scale fish farming in the region.</em></p>2025-02-06T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ahmad Muammar Kadafi, Awalul Fatiqin, Salsabila Devana Putri, Tio Pinta Agustina Tamba, Dwi Septiana Safira, Agung Samudra, Made Dirgantara , Shinta Sylvia Monalisa Live Streaming untuk Meningkatkan Daya Tarik Konsumen dan Penjualan Produk Body Care2025-01-13T10:24:45+07:00Edelweis Heta Deniaty<p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the Utilization of Live Streaming to Increase Consumer Attraction and Sales of Body Care Products, With the right marketing strategy, products can be more competitive in the market while reaching a wider range of consumers, especially among young consumers who are familiar with technology. The collection technique in this service uses the AIDA model (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) as a framework for analyzing the use of live streaming as a marketing strategy in increasing consumer attractiveness and sales of body care products. The results of the writing, The application of live streaming as a marketing strategy at CV Avero Indonesia has proven effective in attracting consumer attention and increasing sales. Live streaming increases interaction with the audience, consumer awareness of the product, and trust and emotional connection between the brand and consumers. It also expands audience reach through digital platforms. However, challenges such as dependence on technology stability and less engaging information delivery need to be overcome. Therefore, maintaining technological stability and enhancing content creativity are key to the success of the live streaming strategy going forward.</em></p>2025-02-06T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Edelweis Heta Fananiti, Dewi Deniaty Sholihah Penulisan e-mail Berbahasa Inggris bagi Divisi Pemasaran PT. Bio Industri Omnipresen2025-01-15T15:37:02+07:00Humaera Silvia<p><em>This community service activity aims to improve English email writing skills for the Marketing Division of PT. Bio Industri Omnipresen through a 4-week workshop using a blended learning method, which combines face-to-face and online learning via Zoom. The main problem faced by the partner is the lack of ability in international marketing communication, particularly in writing effective and professional e-mails in English. This activity begins with identifying training needs, followed by implementing a workshop, and concludes with an evaluation. The evaluation was conducted through participant satisfaction surveys and assessments of the participants' improvement in e-mail writing skills. The results show a significant improvement in writing formal and informal e-mails, understanding professional e-mail formats, and increased confidence in using English for business communication. Although the workshop was conducted smoothly, there were several challenges faced, such as the varying levels of English proficiency among participants, limited training time, and technical difficulties due to different work locations. For the sustainability of the program, it is recommended to have a follow-up program in the form of advanced training sessions, the extension of the workshop duration, and the improvement of training methods so that the benefits obtained by the participants are more optimal.</em></p>2025-02-06T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Humaera Silvia Maristy, Rahma Fitriana, Indah Permatasari Literasi Keuangan Era Generasi Z di SMK Negeri 2 Penukal Kabupaten Pali Sumatera Selatan2025-01-20T15:35:24+07:00Sri Porwaniporwani@gmail.comDian Utariutaridian767@gmail.comIin Hendrayaniiin.hendrayani1988@gmail.comFaitullah Faitullahanang.faitullah@gmail.comDestia Aktarinadestia.aktarina86@gmail.comIngge Rosalia Lahdauinggerosa08@gmail.comAllya Tatalisa<p><em>Financial literacy is an important skill for Generation Z, especially SMK students who are preparing to enter the workforce or continue their higher education. At SMK Negeri 2 Penukal, Pali Regency, South Sumatra, class XII students majoring in Software Engineering and Nursing Assistant wanted to improve their knowledge of finance through a community service program. The activity took place in a one-day intensive session, involving 50 students through an interactive approach that included lectures, group discussions, and practical workshops. With pre-test and post-test scores increasing by 38%, the evaluation results showed significant improvement. In addition, 85% of participants demonstrated basic skills in digital money management and a better understanding of investment basics. Despite the limited time, the program successfully provided Generation Z with essential financial decision-making skills, in line with their unique career prospects in technology and healthcare.</em></p>2025-02-06T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Sri Porwani, Dian Utari, Iin Hendrayani, Faitullah Faitullah, Destia Aktarina, Ingge Rosalia Lahdau, Allya Tatalisa Rianda Teknologi PGPF Untuk Pengembangan Sorgum Sebagai Pangan Fungsional dan Pakan Ternak2025-01-13T15:46:17+07:00Asniwita Farni Vermita<p><em>Plant Growth Promotion Fungi (PGPF) are fungi that live in the soil near plant roots or live in plants (endophytic fungi), can increase plant growth (biofertilizer), and protect plants from plant-disturbing organisms in the form of pests and plant diseases (biopesticides). Farmers often experience obstacles due to poor plant growth due to less fertile soil and dry soil, and decreased production due to pests and plant diseases. The objectives of this community service are introducing PGPF and its benefits for plants, exemplifying PGPF multiplication techniques and PGPF addition techniques to plants, introducing sorghum and low-cost farming with high competitiveness. To achieve these objectives, the methods applied are: (1) PGPF socialization, (2) counseling on the benefits of PGPF as a biofertilizer and biopesticide, (3) plot demonstration. The results of the activity are (1) farmers in Kota Baru Village are able to multiply and add PGPF to the soil and plants, (2) farmers are able to apply sorghum cultivation techniques as a food material in order to diversify food and availability of animal feed in every environmental condition of the dry season and rainy season. All parts of the sorghum plant (seeds, leaves, stems) can be utilized, so there is no waste (zero wasted).</em></p>2025-02-06T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Asniwita Asniwita, Yurleni Yurleni, Yulfita Farni , Andini Vermita Bestari Edukasi Agensi Asik Creative dalam Affiliate Marketing untuk Daya Saing UMKM Digital2025-01-20T15:30:43+07:00Alberta<p><em>In the digital era, UMKM in Indonesia face major challenges in increasing their competitiveness due to low digital literacy and limited resources. Affiliate marketing is a potential solution to expand the market without large costs through collaboration with affiliate partners. The community service program carried out by Asik Creative Agency aims to improve UMKM digital literacy through affiliate marketing training. The methods used include a participatory approach with planning, implementation, observation, and reflection stages. The training includes theory and direct practice, such as recruiting affiliate partners, creating promotional content, and monitoring performance. The results showed an increase in participants' understanding of affiliate marketing by 85%, as well as the ability of UMKM to run digital marketing campaigns independently. Several participants reported an increase in customer visits of up to 40% in two months. Despite facing obstacles such as diverse internet access and digital literacy, this program has succeeded in providing real solutions in empowering UMKM. This program is expected to be a model of digital empowerment that can be replicated in other regions, while supporting Indonesia's digital ecosystem.</em></p>2025-02-06T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Alberta Resinando, Fani Khoirotunnisa Dampak Kekerasan Intelektual (Calistung) Pada Kesehatan Mental Anak Usia Dini di RA Nursa'dani Medan2025-01-20T14:48:18+07:00Idzni Azhimaidzniazhima77@gmail.comTitiek Khatijahtitikkhatijah20@gmail.comWirdatun Nafiah<p><em>Early childhood who have good academic abilities such as reading, writing, and arithmetic are the desire of all parents and are used as an indicator of success in educating children. However, in reality, children's success in learning to read, write, and count cannot be separated from the coercion of parents who want them to be able to read, write, and count after graduating from kindergarten. This treatment is a form of violence that parents unknowingly commit against their children, namely intellectual violence which also causes problems with children's mental health or is commonly called mental hectic. Mental hectic is a condition in which a person experiences a mental disorder characterized by an imbalance in emotions, actions, and thought patterns. Mental hectic can cause a person to experience confusion that leads to stress and depression. This research is a community service. The purpose of this service is to provide an understanding to parents and teachers about the impact of intellectual violence (calistung) on the mental health of early childhood. The results of this community service show that parents and teachers understand that learning to read, write, and count (calistung) if taught to early childhood with abstract and unpleasant methods for children will have an impact on causing mental hectic or mental chaos and is included in the form of intellectual violence. On the other hand, if learning to read, write, and count (calistung) is carried out proportionally or in accordance with the development of the child's age and with a concrete concept, then learning to read, write, and count (calistung) can be a means of reducing the occurrence of mental hectic in early childhood.</em></p>2025-02-06T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Idzni Azhima, Titiek Khatijah, Wirdatun Nafiah Harahap Tekhnologi Dalam Membangun Ekonomi Masyarakat Desa Ketapang Lor: Digitalisasi Pemasaran Sebagai Solusi Problematika Marketing Kekinian2025-01-20T15:20:21+07:00M. Afthon Al Ishaqibasbas002151@gmail.comKholid Saidatur<p><em>Digital transformation has changed the marketing landscape, offering new opportunities for rural areas to boost the local economy through marketing digitalization. This program aims to improve the digital literacy and marketing skills of the Ketapanglor Village community, focusing on the use of digital platforms to market local products. The program used a qualitative approach with descriptive methods, involving observation, in-depth interviews, and Focus Group Discussions (FGDs). Training and mentoring were provided to participants consisting of PKK mothers, MSME owners, and individuals interested in becoming affiliators. Results showed significant improvements in participants' digital literacy and marketing skills, which contributed to an average 30% increase in sales of local products. Key challenges faced include limited technological infrastructure and participant motivation. Ongoing support and collaboration with local stakeholders were identified as key factors to overcome these barriers. The program successfully improved the economic welfare of the Ketapanglor Village community and contributed to the development of the digital economy at the local level. The implications of the findings emphasize the importance of improving technological infrastructure and continued training to ensure the sustainability of the program. The program can serve as a model for other regions in implementing digital marketing strategies.</em></p>2025-02-06T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 M. Afthon Al Ishaqi, Kholid Albar, Wiwik Saidatur Rolianah, Farhadi Arifiansyah, Nurul Istifadhoh