Al-Khidmah Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat <p>Al-Khidmah Community Service Journal published by the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) of the Islamic University of Jember is a means of publishing articles resulting from community service from various disciplines and academics both nationally and internationally. The Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) of the Islamic University of Jember publishes this journal starting in October 2021, periodically every six months (twice a year), namely in June and October.</p> en-US (Ahmad Fauzi) (Al-Khidmah Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat) Wed, 26 Jun 2024 12:36:21 +0700 OJS 60 Sosialisasi Pencegahan Perilaku Bullying melalui pendekatan Nilai-nilai Islam di SDN Cakru 04 Kab Jember <p><em>Based on KPAI's findings, throughout 2021 there were at least 17 cases of bullying in schools, from elementary schools to high schools. This community service method uses an outreach method to partners, namely at SDN Cakru 04, Kencong Jombang District, regarding bullying prevention through several stages. These included a survey of the location of service partners, outreach to students, the Teacher Council and student guardians and the program approach, then this activity was assisted by campus students teaching 6 MBKM Dikti 2023 programs located at SDN 04 Cakru, Kencong District, Jember Regency, totaling 5 students. The task of students is to provide outreach to students and parents regarding bullying prevention. This activity will be carried out for 4 months starting from 4 August 2023 to 4 December 2023. Community service activities include; first, building an Anti-Bullying Culture paradigm in Islam. Second, socialization to parents about good parenting patterns by arranging playing hours and study hours. Third, the Religious Program Approach includes Duha prayers, commemoration of holidays, reading Asmaul Husna.</em></p> Rusdiyanto ., Bahar Agus Setiawan, Badrut Tamami Copyright (c) 2024 Rusdiyanto ., Bahar Agus Setiawan, Badrut Tamami Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The Reduce, Reuse, dan Recycle (3R) sebagai Solusi terhadap Bahaya Banjir di Sekitas TPSS Kaliwates <p><em>Indonesia faces various problems, including those related to waste management. Large amounts of waste have a negative impact on environmental health. Kaliwates Subdistrict has problems </em>related<em> to waste, because residents in this area are still not able to manage waste properly. They still like to throw garbage around the river, even though there is a waste processing site. The service is carried out using the ABCD method. Efforts are being made to minimize the amount of waste by implementing reuse, reduce, and recycle (3R). This service activity can increase public knowledge and awareness to reduce the accumulation of waste, namely through the habit of reusing used bottles, reducing the use of plastic by shopping with bags or baskets from home. In this activity, the community followed and participated enthusiastically so that they began to be aware of implementing 3R in their homes and creating an environment around the river with minimal waste, and creating a healthy environment, and waste having economic value.</em></p> Siti Roudlotul Hikamah, Sumiati ., Renita Agustin, Ilham Maulana, Moch. Khoirur Rozikin Copyright (c) 2024 Siti Roudlotul Hikamah Hikamah, Sumiati ., Renita Agustin, Ilham Maulana, Moch. Khoirur Rozikin Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Rekomendasi Pemenuhan Gizi Ibu Hamil dengan Kekurangan Energi Kronik dan Penyuluhan Pemberian Asi Eksklusif Jember <p><em>One of the problems contributing to 40% of maternal deaths in developing countries is Chronic Energy Deficiency (CED). Mothers who are at risk of CED will cause several problems for both the mother and fetus. The result of Riskesdas (2018) shows that the prevalence of CED in Indonesia is 17.3%, apart from nutritional problems and nutritional disorders that often occur in pregnant women, nutritional fulfillment for babies is crucial. According to the Ministry of Health in 2019, 65% of babies did not receive exclusive breast milk during the first 6 months of birth. This number is still far from the target of exclusive breastfeeding coverage in 2019 set by WHO and the Ministry of Health, namely 50%. This community service was carried out in March 2024 in Rambigundam Village, Rambipuji, Jember. This service was carried out because there were 3 pregnant women with CED and the low fulfilling rates for exclusive breastfeeding for babies in Rambigundam Village. The methods used in this community service are providing counseling and providing additional food to pregnant women and mothers with babies, as well as conducting evaluations. The evaluation results showed that there was an increase in body weight in the three pregnant women with Chronic Energy Deficiency and the evaluation of exclusive breastfeeding monitoring showed that the frequency of breastfeeding increased and the usages of formula milks were decreased.</em></p> Rita Sri Kurniawati, Dewi Rakhmawati, Khoirul Anam Copyright (c) 2024 Rita Sri, Dewi Rakhmawati, Khoirul Anam Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Strategi Pemasaran Media Sosial Bagi UMKM Pengrajin Lencana <p><em>The increasing development of technology has an impact on the development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), one of which is the AJ Lencana business owned by Mr. Najib which is in Bacin Village, Kudus. The development of business activities from year to year has increased, but sales are only in the area of Central Java residents. It has not been able to spread to the wider community and the marketing that has been running is very, very limited and there has been no touch of social media in efforts to market the product. The solutions offered by the service team to help several problems faced by partners are, social media strategy training to improve product marketing, helping partners to increase sales, expanding partner markets through online shops so that sales can be wider, not only around Central Java. The aim of the Service Team is to move the rural economy to remain productive and be able to utilize technology to help its business activities, as well as increase the sales turnover of partner business activities by utilizing social media.</em></p> Zuliyati ., Naila Rizki Salisa, Ulva Rizky Mulyani, Evana Andriani, Taufiq Hidayat Copyright (c) 2024 Zuliyati ., Naila Rizki Salisa, Ulva Rizky Mulyani, Evana Andriani, Taufiq Hidayat Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Remaja Sehat, Cantik dan Cerdas tanpa Anemia di Desa Glagahwero <p><em>One of the nutritional problems that is still unsolved in the community is anemia.&nbsp; Anemia is a condition of lack of hb levels in red blood cells or erythrocytes. Anemia can occur in a person both at the age of children, adolescents, adults and the elderly (Ministry of Health RI, 2022). According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the prevalence of anemia in the world ranges from 40-88% and the incidence of anemia in young women in developing countries is around 53.7% (Kaimudin, et al., 2017). Based on Riskesdas (2018), the incidence of anemia in young women reaches 32%. This </em><em>community </em><em>service was carried out by conducting Haemoglobin (Hb) examinations on 57 young women in</em> <em>Glagahwero Kalisat Village, Jember Regency</em><em>. </em><em>Based on the results of examination from 57 </em><em>y</em><em>oung women, 14 adolescents were found to have anemia with hb levels ranging from 10.8-11.4 g / dL. Almost all young women, 55 young women (97%) have received blood-boosting tablets at school while 4 girls (3%) have never received them. All of the young women (100%) had taken blood-boosting tablets.</em> <em>Prevention and treatment of the incidence of anemia in young women is expected to break the chain of anemia in the women's life cycle in the future.</em></p> Dyah Ekowati Copyright (c) 2024 Dyah Ekowati Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Pendampingan Pembuatan Pupuk Organik Cair dalam Rangka Membudidayakan Urine Sapi Desa Prekbun <p><em>Desa Prekbun merupakan desa dengan mata pencaharian sebagai Petani, wirausaha dll. Salah satu aspek yang sangat penting dan menonjol di desa Prekbun adalah pertanian dalam pengembangan dan pembuatan Pupuk organik adalah tujuan utama untuk mensejahterakan kemakmuran petani di desanya. Pupuk organik merupakan&nbsp; yang digunakan oleh kelompok tani untuk mendapatkan bahan-bahan yang mudah didapat. Kegiatan Kuliah Kerja Nyata yang dilakukan kelompok KKN 9 Desa Prekbun karena kurangnya pengetahuan dan pemanfatan urine sapi di Desa Prekbun dalam pembuatan Pupuk Organik Cair. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dari program Kuliah Kerja Nyata ini adalah memberikan pendampingan kepada kelompok tani desa Prekbun terkait pembuatan Pupuk Organik Cair dan tata cara pembuatan melalui edukasi sosialisasi dari pemateri yang kita undang dari salah satu dosen pertanian yang mumpuni dibidangnya. Metode yang digunakan terdapat 3 tahapan, yaitu observasi atau survei, penyuluhan atau sosialisasi terkait Pupuk Organik Cair (POC), dan pelaksanaan pendampingan dan pembuatan Pupuk Organik Cair (POC). Kelompok Tani yang berkenan dan berhasil melaksanakan pembuatan POC hingga dapat menerapkan pada tanah pertanian atau sawah untuk menghasikan hasil panen yang baik.</em></p> Fetty Nuritasari, Mohammad Shobirin, Yudi Heryadi, Ema Surahmi, Moh Zayyadi Copyright (c) 2024 Fetty Nuritasari, Mohammad Shobirin, Yudi Heriyadi, Ema Surahmi, Moh Zayyadi Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Optimalisasi Digital Marketing UMKM di Kelurahan Kebonsari Jember <p><em>Many Small and Medium Enterprise (UMKM) actors nowadays are constantly popping up. But the digital world demands that people can continue to innovate and compete. As an entry sign to the revolutionary age industry 4.0 digital technology has taken a toll on UMKM's marketing of products on social media or e-commerce. With that in mind, This was the goal of a KKN group's work program in the Kebonsari district of Jember. The role of the initiative isa digitalized marketing tool for UMKM perpetrators in Kebonsari as a form of student outreach to society using data collection methods of coordination, socialization, and counseling. Students will assist in creating a social media and e-commerce account to market their products.</em></p> Tri Novita Irawati, Faizah Malikal Bulgis, Zihana Arrufaida, Aisyah Ramadhini Pambudi, Mohammad Haris Triyadi, Dyah Ayu Nugraheni Copyright (c) 2024 Tri Novita Irawati, Faizah Malikal Bulgis, Zihana Arrufaida, Aisyah Ramadhini Pambudi, Mohammad Haris Triyadi, Dyah Ayu Nugraheni Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Pendampingan Refleksi Lokakarya PBD dan Disiplin Positif di SMP Kabupaten Banyuwangi <p>The vision of Indonesia education is to create an advanced Indonesia that is sovereign, independent and has personality through the creation of Pancasila Student. The Driving School Program (PSP) aims to encourage the educational transformation process to increase student learning outcome holistically to realize the Pancasila Student Profile. At the school level, human resource competency is increased through training and mentoring. Accompanying the Data Based Planning (DBP) workshop reflection and positive discipline aims to analyze all workshop activities so that improvements can be made. The reflection was carried out online via Google Meet on January 27 2024. The reflection was attended by 22 participants, namely 4 Supervisor, 6 Principals and 12 PKPs. The result of this activity was the implementation of Positive Discipline instruction by SMP Negeri 1 Kabat, SMP Lazuardi Tursina and SMP Negeri 2 Srono. Internal monitoring has been implemented by all participating school, namely 6 schools. The application of positive discipline is carried out by creating class beliefs that can help students increase self-awareness and motivate students to develop their potential optimally. Positive discipline is also implemented without punishment and rewards. In conclusion, all schools show efforts and commitment to implementing positive discipline and carrying out various activities aimed at improving the quality of education and creating a conducive learning environment.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> Diah Sudiarti, Imam Bukhori, Umi Nurjanah, Teguh Karya Pamungkas Copyright (c) 2024 Diah Sudiarti, Imam Bukhori, Umi Nurjanah, Teguh Karya Pamungkas Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Pengembangan Produk Pangan Lokal untuk Pencegahan Stunting Sebelum Genting di Dusun Karang Keting, Desa Karangsono Kabupaten Jember <p><em>The quality of human resources in the future will be influenced by stunting. One goal set in relation to sustainable development (SDG) is stunting. Posyandu in Karangsono Village are actively held evenly throughout the village. However, in Karangsono Village, especially in Karang Keting Hamlet, there are still cases of stunting. Therefore, the Jember Islamic University Service Team held outreach with the aim of educating the community to increase knowledge about stunting related to parenting patterns and meeting children's nutritional needs at Posyandu Mangga 136 Karang Keting Hamlet. The activity to deliver material on preventing stunting was carried out on August 5, 2023, attended by 30 participants consisting of pregnant women, mothers with children under five and mothers of childbearing age. Mothers' knowledge about nutritional adequacy from the womb to the first 1000 days of life is very important. With the right knowledge, mothers can also prevent stunting in children. However, many people consider nutritious food to be synonymous with expensive prices. Even though nutritious food sources can be obtained easily and can be cultivated independently or together. Fulfilling nutrition for children and toddlers to avoid stunting is the obligation of all family members, not just the mother's duty. For this reason, further outreach is needed to other family members so that they always become a support system for mothers and children so that they can avoid stunting.</em></p> Anis Rofi Hidayah, Werdining Wulan, Hikmatul Lutfi ah, Irfiah ., Nurul Lailatul Vitriyah Copyright (c) 2024 Anis Rofi Hidayah, Werdining Wulan, Hikmatul Lutfi ah, Irfiah ., Nurul Lailatul Vitriyah Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Pelatihan Paralegal dan Konselor Bagi Perempuan Lintas Etnis, Suku dan Mahasiswa di Kabupaten Jember <p><em>Access to justice and legal certainty for victims of violence against women, especially violence in the domestic sphere, must receive attention. In Jember Regency, the rate of violence against women is still quite high and various efforts are needed to prevent and reduce the occurrence of new violence. One effort to reduce and prevent violence against women is to provide training for paralegals and counselors who are expected to be able to provide advocacy to victims and provide education to the general public. The training method used is a presentation followed by discussion to answer various problems faced by the participants. Overall, it can be concluded that paralegal and counselor training activities for women across ethnicities, tribes and students are running smoothly without significant obstacles. However, training activities are still considered inadequate if they are only carried out once, this is because cases that occur in society experience the development of different forms and modus operandi so that paralegals and counselors need partners to share new experiences and knowledge. Therefore, further training is needed.</em></p> Supianto . Copyright (c) 2024 Supianto . Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Pelatihan dan Pendampingan Usaha Produksi dan pemasaran berbasis Web Limbah bawang merah menjadi pupuk organik kompos dan pupuk organik cair pada UMKM <p><em>This community service with an entrepreneurship-based empowerment scheme aims to improve understanding of production machines, low productivity, financial reporting and digital marketing management for MSMEs in Kramat Jati, East Jakarta. The problems faced by partners in this program are related to the manual process of chopping onion waste, weak production management, finance and marketing which have not been managed well. This method of implementing entrepreneurship-based empowerment uses the Participatory Action Research (PAR) method, which is carried out starting from the socialization stage at the beginning of community service activities, in the form of providing information to partners/community about community service activities to be carried out, activity objectives, stages of activity implementation, and activity implementation schedules based on agreement between the proposing team and partners, the next stage is training and mentoring and evaluation of activities. The results of the activity showed an increase in partners' knowledge regarding production management, finance and digital marketing as well as understanding the use of machines in production before and after the training.</em></p> Budiman Abdulah, Ndaru Ruseno , Fina Suryaningsih, Nurdiana , Copyright (c) 2024 Budiman Abdulah, Ndaru Ruseno , Fina Suryaningsih, Nurdiana , Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700