WELFARE STATE Jurnal Hukum 2024-12-10T13:45:07+07:00 Tioma R. Hariandja Open Journal Systems <p style="margin: 0in; margin-bottom: .0001pt; line-height: 150%;">Journal Title <a href="" target="_top">Welfare State Jurnal Hukum</a></p> <p style="margin: 0in; margin-bottom: .0001pt; line-height: 150%;">Initials WSJ</p> <p style="margin: 0in; margin-bottom: .0001pt; line-height: 150%;">Frequency <a href="" target="_top">2 Issues</a>/Year (April, October)</p> <p style="margin: 0in; margin-bottom: .0001pt; line-height: 150%;">Editor In Chief <a href=";hl=id&amp;oi=ao" target="_top">Tioma R. Hariandja</a></p> <p style="margin: 0in; margin-bottom: .0001pt; line-height: 150%;">Oneline ISSN <a href="">2962-6439</a></p> <p style="margin: 0in; margin-bottom: .0001pt; line-height: 150%;">Publisher Law Study Program, Faculty of Law, Islamic University of Jember</p> Tinjauan Yuridis Penggunaan Aplikasi Corel Draw X4 Ilegal Dalam Bisnis Desain Grafis Berdasarkan Undang - Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2016 Tentang Hak Paten 2024-11-05T11:46:05+07:00 Nurlaili Ika Mala Tioma R. Hariandja, SH., MH Firda Laily Mufid, SH.,MH Muhammad Hoiru Nail <p>Advances in digital technology have had a significant impact on<br />Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), especially in the field of graphic<br />design utilizing applications such as Corel Draw X4. Although<br />these applications are very popular and provide great economic<br />benefits, their illegal use has a negative impact on patent rights and<br />developer innovation. This research aims to examine the legal<br />implications of the illegal use of Corel Draw X4 in the graphic<br />design business in Indonesia based on Law Number 13 Year 2016<br />on Patent Rights. The method used is normative juridical, with<br />statutory and conceptual approaches. The results show that the<br />illegal use of this software violates the exclusive rights granted to<br />the patent holder and is potentially subject to legal sanctions such<br />as fines or imprisonment. Corel Corporation has a mechanism to<br />detect illegal use and offer alternatives to legal use, such as trial<br />versions. Therefore, graphic designers and businesses are advised to<br />comply with patent rules to avoid adverse legal consequences and<br />support the sustainable growth of the industry. Resolving disputes<br />related to patent infringement can be done through litigation or<br />non-litigation approaches, with mediation as a more effective and<br />efficient option.</p> 2024-12-06T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 WELFARE STATE Jurnal Hukum Penegakan Hukum terhadap Pelaku Pembuat Stiker Menggunakan Foto Orang Lain yang Mengandung Muatan Penghiaan di Sosial Media 2024-11-06T11:15:07+07:00 Siti Karisma Suphia Firda Laily Mufid Nanang Tri Budiman <p>The object of this research problem is what are the rules for using other<br />people's photos without permission to be used as stickers on social<br />media and what is the implementation of the law against perpetrators<br />who make stickers using other people's photos that contain insulting<br />content on social media. In this research the author uses a normative<br />type of research by examining applicable norms. The results of this<br />research can be concluded that making stickers using other people's<br />photos on social media is a form of action that can result in legal<br />consequences. When making stickers using other people's photos<br />without permission on social media, it is the same as deliberately<br />breaking the law by changing electronic information and this act is<br />regulated in article 32 paragraph (1) and also article 27 paragraph (3)<br />of the ITE Law. Implementation of the law against perpetrators who<br />make stickers using other people's photos containing insulting content<br />on social media, where the government has regulated and provided<br />protection for electronic media users, especially on WhatsApp, where<br />the provisions in article 45 paragraph (1) of the ITE Law state that<br />they will be punished with imprisonment. a maximum of 6 (six) years<br />with a maximum fine of IDR 1,000,000,000.00 (one billion) and can<br />also be subject to article 48 paragraph 1 of the ITE Law which states<br />that it can be punished with imprisonment for a maximum of 8 (eight)<br />years with a maximum fine Rp. 2,000,000,000.00 (two billion).</p> 2024-12-06T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 WELFARE STATE Jurnal Hukum Pertanggungjawaban Pidana Pelaku Cyberbullying Menggunakan Fake Account 2024-11-05T11:53:35+07:00 izzata barid zein Firda Laily Mufid Yuli Winiari Wahyuningtyas Abd Manab <p>Formulation of the problem of law enforcement against<br />cyberbullying perpetrators and criminal liability for cyberbullying<br />perpetrators who use fake accounts with the aim of finding out law<br />enforcement against cyberbullying perpetrators. and to find out<br />criminal liability for perpetrators of cyberbullying. using a Fake<br />Account. The method in this research uses a normative juridical<br />research type. Conclusions from this research. Law enforcement<br />against cyberbullying crimes is contained in the Criminal Code and<br />Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic<br />Transactions, there are several articles related to forms of<br />cyberbullying relating to prevention, prosecution and prosecution<br />of perpetrators and victims. The issuance of the SKB on the ITE<br />Law serves as a guide for law enforcement. The articles contained in<br />the SKB can be studied objectively by law enforcers and resolve<br />cases without having to be submitted to court and strengthen the<br />position of criminal justice as the ultimum remidium, namely that<br />criminal punishment or sanctions are an alternative or last resort<br />in law enforcement. . The purpose of forming this SKB is to<br />maintain a clean, healthy, productive and fair Indonesian digital<br />space. The burden of responsibility is imposed on the perpetrator of<br />a criminal act in connection with the basis for imposing criminal<br />sanctions. The nature of responsibility for his actions is against the<br />law and there is no excuse. This issue of responsibility is stated in<br />Article 44 of the Criminal Code.</p> 2024-12-06T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 WELFARE STATE Jurnal Hukum Tinjauan Hak Atas Kesejahteraan Sosial Terhadap Fakir Miskin di Kabupaten Jember 2024-12-03T14:27:01+07:00 ilyatul holifah Tioma R. Hariandja Musfianawati Sidi Alkahfi Setiawan <p>The poor are those who earn more than the poor but not enough to<br />fulfill their basic needs. As the weakest and most vulnerable group<br />in society, the poor need public and social infrastructure in order to<br />slowly break out of the poverty cycle around them. Poverty as a<br />social problem does not only involve economic problems, but also<br />includes other problems faced by the community. How is the form of<br />social welfare implementation based on regional regulations and<br />how is the form of social welfare implementation in the jember<br />district, and its purpose is to find out and analyze how the form of<br />responsibility of the Jember Regency Government towards the social<br />welfare of the poor according to Jember Regency Regional<br />Regulation Number 8 of 2015 and to find out how the form of its<br />implementation in the jember district through research at the social<br />service. The research method used is using empirical methods,<br />where the method of collecting data through research used to see<br />legal aspects in social interactions in society. The conclusion is that<br />the government of Jember Regency must fulfill basic services for the<br />poor in Jember Regency and the government of Jember Regency<br />must fulfill the rights of the poor in accordance with Regional<br />Regulation Number 8 of 2015 concerning organizing social welfare<br />to the poor. The government of Kabupaten Jember itself has several<br />work programs to deal with the poor in Kabupaten Jember.</p> 2024-12-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 WELFARE STATE Jurnal Hukum Upaya Hukum Dalam Pencegahan Aksi Lempar Batu Terhadap Pengguna Jalan Raya di Situbondo 2024-11-28T13:36:38+07:00 Moh Fighur Firmansyah Yuli Winiari Wahyuningtyas Solehati Nofitasari Supianto <p>The recent increase in violent acts is often seen in society,<br />along with various problems related to law violations, from mild to<br />serious. One of the problems is the stone throwing action that<br />occurred in Situbondo from 2018 to 2024 there are several cases of<br />stone throwing in the Situbondo Regency area which have not been<br />completed and often occur repeatedly. The Crime of Destruction of<br />Goods itself has been cited in Article 406 paragraph (1) of the<br />Criminal Code. With 2 problem formulations, namely: 1. What are<br />the legal remedies of victims of the crime of throwing stones against<br />motorists on the Situbondo highway?, What is the legal threat to<br />the perpetrators of throwing stones against motorists on the<br />Situbondo highway? The research method uses an empirical<br />juridical approach, the data used are secondary data and primary<br />data. The study was carried out by literature studies and field<br />studies. The resource persons in this study are from the Situbondo<br />Police Gakkum Office. Based on the formulation of the problem and<br />the discussion in this study, the conclusion of this study is, Legal<br />efforts to protect victims of crime as parties seeking justice, then<br />they have the right to legal protection and redress as stated in Law<br />Number 8 of 1981 concerning the Criminal Procedure Code which<br />includes the Road to obtain justice and obtain justice, entitled to<br />restitution, compensation.</p> 2024-12-06T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 WELFARE STATE Jurnal Hukum Militerisme dan Demokrasi: Evaluasi Hak Politik TNI-Polri di Indonesia Pasca-Reformasi 2024-12-04T10:35:37+07:00 Moh. Khalilullah A. Razaq <p>The position of the military in a democratic country is by placing<br />civilians in the highest power, civilian supremacy over the military<br />in history began when the guided democratic government system<br />was implemented under President Soekarno. During this period,<br />the military has the same rights as civil society, namely the right to<br />vote and the right to be elected. During the New Order<br />government, the military did not have political rights, however its<br />existence and position became stronger, due to the development of<br />the middle way concept initiated by Nasution which became the<br />doctrine of the Dwifunction ABRI concept. After the 1998 reform,<br />the political system in Indonesia underwent changes, namely the<br />separation of the positions of the TNI and Polri. This fundamental<br />change was marked by the issuance of MPR Decree Number<br />VI/2000 concerning the Separation of the TNI and Polri and MPR<br />Decree Number VII/2000 concerning the Role of the TNI and Polri.<br />Law Number 34 of 2004 concerning the Indonesian National Army<br />and Law Number 2 of 2002 concerning the Police of the Republic of<br />Indonesia. This research uses a normative legal research method<br />using a statutory approach, which relies on research to be<br />researched from a positive legal perspective, and a historical<br />approach. This research concludes that the TNI-Polri's political<br />rights are prohibited from exercising their political rights and are<br />still relevant to maintain. And delaying the restoration of political<br />rights for the TNI-Polri.</p> 2024-12-06T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 WELFARE STATE Jurnal Hukum