Kubis https://ejurnal.uij.ac.id/index.php/kub <p><strong>Kubis</strong> is journal a scientific media which is managed by Agribuisness Department of Agriculture Faculty of Islamic University of Jember (UIJ), which is lifted from research result and critical study.</p> <p><strong>Kubis</strong> is focused on Study Articles of Agricultural Socio-Economic Research Results and Review Articles in the Field of Social Sciences, Economics and Policy in Agriculture with various developments in general from upstream to downstream in agriculture.</p> <p><strong>Kubis</strong> is published two times a year, in May and November. Please submit your manuscript. Before submitting, please read the author guidelines.</p> <p><strong>Kubis</strong> is a media for disseminating information on the results of research and thought by lecturers, researchers, and practitioners interested in agricultural agribusiness and socio-economic progress.</p> <p><strong>Kubis</strong> with registration number p-issn : <a href="https://issn.lipi.go.id/terbit/detail/20211019041275247">2808-5434 </a>e-issn : <a href="https://issn.lipi.go.id/terbit/detail/20211019091295450" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2808-4799</a></p> en-US arisepti2987@gmail.com (Ari Septianingtyas P., M.P.) khoirotunnisa350@gmail.com (Khoirotun NIsa', S.P.) Fri, 22 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Analisis Pendapatan dan Strategi Pemasaran Petani Mangga Gadung di Desa Bandilan Kecamatan Prajekan Kabupaten Bondowoso https://ejurnal.uij.ac.id/index.php/kub/article/view/2325 <p><em>Mango is one of the commodities that is widely favored by most people in Indonesia and is easy to cultivate. The purpose of this research is to determine the income of the Mangga Gadung farming business, to understand the marketing mix of the Mangga Gadung farming business, and to identify the strategies of the Mangga Gadung farming business in Bandilan Village, Prajekan District, Bondowoso Regency. The sampling method used is Purposive Sampling. The results of this study indicate that the income from mango farming in the Kutilang Jaya 5 farmer group in Bandilan village amounted to Rp 61,950,000, with total fixed and variable costs of Rp 36,577,903, resulting in a net income of Rp 25,207,597 from mango farming in the Kutilang Jaya 5 farmer group in Bandilan village. Next, the marketing mix of mangoes in the Kutilang Jaya 5 farmer group in Bandilan Village, after being analyzed using the 7P framework, needs to further develop promotion, one of the promotional strategies being Edu-tourism. Finally, the SWOT analysis shows that the position of the SWOT matrix diagram is in quadrant I, which indicates an aggressive strategy with profitable results.</em></p> Ikhlas Zul Amal, Tidar Aden Hawa, Khoirotun Nisa’ Copyright (c) 2024 Iklas zulamal https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ejurnal.uij.ac.id/index.php/kub/article/view/2325 Wed, 20 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Analisis Keputusan Pembelian Susu Sapi Perah Pak Dul https://ejurnal.uij.ac.id/index.php/kub/article/view/3214 <p><em>Jember Regency has an area with potential dairy cattle production centers, namely in Kemuning Lor Village, Arjasa District. Therefore, dairy farming needs to be studied in depth. The aim of this research is to determine the factors that influence consumers' purchasing decisions for "Pak Dul" fresh dairy milk and determine the relationship between these factors. The analytical method used is multiple linear regression and PPM correlation test. The results show the factors that influence consumer purchasing decisions for fresh "Pak Dul" dairy milk, namely product quality, price and service quality, which based on the results of the t test analysis shows that there is a significant influence partially or individually from the quality variable products, prices and service quality. Based on the results of the PPM correlation test analysis, the factors between the product quality and price variables have a significant relationship or correlation, while the product quality and service quality variables also have a significant relationship or correlation, compared to the results of the price and service quality variables which do not have a relationship. or not significantly correlated.</em></p> Iva Datul Amaliya, Ari Septianingtyas Purwandhini Copyright (c) 2024 iva datul amaliya https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ejurnal.uij.ac.id/index.php/kub/article/view/3214 Wed, 20 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Analisis Loyalitas dan Daya Beli Konsumen Terhadap Olahan Kopi Robusta di Warung Kopi My Way Jember https://ejurnal.uij.ac.id/index.php/kub/article/view/2693 <p><em>Coffee is a drink that is popular with today's youth. It is not surprising that many coffee shop businesses have been established in Indonesia. The proliferation of coffee shops has become a source for the emergence of a creative economy using various packaged coffee preparations. One of the coffee shops that has a unique or superior product is Warung My Way, which is located in Jember Regency. The purpose of this research is to determine the factors that influence consumer loyalty and determine consumer purchasing power for Robusta Coffee at Warung Kopi My Way. The research was conducted at Warung Kopi My Way Jember using the Accidental Sampling technique with a sample size of 75 people. Research requires descriptive analysis and statistical analysis. Descriptive analysis is used to intuitively explain the data being analyzed so that it can be understood, while the statistical analysis used is binary logistics regression analysis. The results show that the factors that influence consumer loyalty are customer satisfaction, product and service quality, and barriers to switching to other brands. buying power based on public image, product and service quality, as well as barriers to moving to other countries is around 1,340; 1,058; 1.195, while based on the fairness of the trade of 0.675. This means that consumer loyalty is based on public image, product and service quality, as well as barriers to migration which influence consumer loyalty. This means that consumers will come back and carry out subsequent transactions.</em></p> Wendy Syahrindra, Hikmatul Lutfi’ah Copyright (c) 2024 Wendy Syahrindra https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ejurnal.uij.ac.id/index.php/kub/article/view/2693 Wed, 20 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Analisis Kelayakan Usaha Keripik Singkong di Desa Kemuning Lor Kecamatan Arjasa Kabupaten Jember https://ejurnal.uij.ac.id/index.php/kub/article/view/2553 <p><em>The agricultural sector is currently very popular among Indonesian people, so many business developments in the agricultural sector are starting to emerge. Currently, the business world, including agribusiness, is experiencing rapid change and growth. One of them is the development of food crop and horticultural businesses which has increased quite significantly, this can be seen from the increasing market demand for food crop and horticultural products. Gambirono Village is a community where the majority are farmers. Where farmers cultivate several crops such as rice, lime, salak, papaya, langsat, Siamese orange, and others. However, researchers are interested in researching Siamese oranges because recently Siamese oranges have only begun to be developed again, in recent years there have been several plants that have begun to be developed again, one of which is the Siamese orange plant. The selection of this research location was carried out deliberately or purposively. The data collection method uses primary data (interviews) secondary data (data obtained from sources directly related to the research). Based on the results of research using Rc Ratio analysis, it obtained a positive value or was feasible to carry out and for Feasibility analysis.</em></p> Muhammad Fuad Mustofa, Deddy Kurniawan Copyright (c) 2024 muhammadfuadmustofa https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ejurnal.uij.ac.id/index.php/kub/article/view/2553 Wed, 20 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Analisis Kelayakan dan Sensitivitas Usaha Home Industri Tempe di Desa Rambipuji Kecamatan Rambipuji Kabupaten Jember https://ejurnal.uij.ac.id/index.php/kub/article/view/2326 <p><em>Agroindustry is a combination of agriculture and industry. Tempe industry is one of the potentian food processing industries to be defeloped. This study aims to find out how much Ferdi’s tempeh business income is, and to find out the feasibility of Mr.Ferdi’s tempeh business. The research location was chosen purposively with several considerations. This research method uses descriptive method using primary and secondary data. Based on the results of the business analysis, it is feasible to work on it. And the results of the sensitivity analysis show that the business in sensitive to changes in interest rates</em></p> Agus Mahdi Ami, Endang Wahyu Pudjiastutik Copyright (c) 2024 Agus Mahdi Ami, Endang Wahyu Pudjiastutik https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ejurnal.uij.ac.id/index.php/kub/article/view/2326 Wed, 20 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen dalam Membeli Bouquet Bunga di Toko Nuansa Florist Sumbersari https://ejurnal.uij.ac.id/index.php/kub/article/view/2758 <p><em>Service quality is an important factor in increasing competitiveness. Consumer expectations are always changing all the time so the quality of service provided must also be adjusted. The aims of this research are: 1). To find out whether the factors of reliability, responsiveness, guarantee, empathy and physical evidence have a significant effect on customer satisfaction. 2). To find out which service quality factors have a more dominant influence on consumer satisfaction. Data collection techniques were carried out using observation, questionnaires, interviews and documentation. The population is 30 consumers. Meanwhile, the data analysis technique uses statistical analysis techniques, namely multiple linear regression. The research results show that: 1). Partially, the variable that has the most dominant influence on consumer satisfaction is the attention/empathy variable with a sig value of 0.000, followed by the responsiveness variable which has a sig value of 0.004 and physical evidence with a sig value of 0.041. 2). Simultaneously, it is known that the calculated F value is greater than the F table value (46.019 &gt; 2.62), and the significance value (sig) = 0.000 is smaller than the value α = 0.05. This means that together, the variables of reliability, responsiveness, guarantee, empathy and physical evidence have a significant effect on consumer satisfaction. 3). Based on the results of the determination test, the R square value has a value of 90.2%. It means Consumer satisfaction which is influenced by the independent variable service quality consisting of reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy</em><br /><br /></p> Nur Hidayah, Moh Yasin Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Hidayah https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ejurnal.uij.ac.id/index.php/kub/article/view/2758 Wed, 20 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Bisnis Model Canvas (BMC) Home Industri Olahan Hasil Laut di Kecamatan Ambunten Kabupaten Sumenep https://ejurnal.uij.ac.id/index.php/kub/article/view/2601 <p><em>Home industries in the food sector, especially in seafood processing, have become an attractive business option for the community in Ambunten District. This research aims to understand the Business Model Canvas (BMC) of Seafood Processing and to identify the SWOT of the Business Model Canvas (BMC) of Seafood Processing in Ambunten District, Sumenep Regency, East Java. The sampling method used is Random Sampling. The results of this research indicate that the Business Model Canvas (BMC) is very helpful in business planning, from sourcing business funding, processing products, to marketing products, and can reduce business failures. Next, the prospects are a more attractive service strategy with seafood products by providing testimonials to consumers, expanding the target market, increasing consumer appeal, and enhancing innovation in seafood product creation.</em></p> Isyqi Rifaq, Nurul Lailatul Vitriyah Copyright (c) 2024 isyqi rifaq https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ejurnal.uij.ac.id/index.php/kub/article/view/2601 Wed, 20 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Analisis Kelayakan dan Sensitivitas Usahatani Jagung di Dusun Sumuran Desa Ajung Kecamatan Ajung Kabupaten Jember https://ejurnal.uij.ac.id/index.php/kub/article/view/2341 <p><em>Corn "Zea mays L" is one of the world's most important food crops, apart from wheat and rice. The demand for corn is currently increasing, which can be seen in terms of production, where the demand for domestic and international markets is very high</em> <em>for food and feed needs. One of the corn-producing areas is in Sumuran hamlet, Ajung village. The aims of this research were 1) to find out how much the income of corn farming in Sumuran hamlet was, 2) to find out the level of feasibility of corn farming in Sumuran hamlet, 3) to find out the sensitivity of corn farming in Sumuran hamlet. The sampling method of this study used purposive sampling and the results of this study showed that the total revenue and costs in the corn farming income were IDR 54,756,688 and IDR 14,448,325. with the results of calculations using R/C with a result of 3.79 meaning that every IDR 1,000 of farming costs incurred generates revenue of IDR 3,790. and Net Present Value (NVP) with a 5% factor discount of IDR </em><em>36.782.011,46</em><em>, with a 10% factor discount of IDR </em><em>33.539.756,6</em><em> and a 15% factor discount of IDR </em><em>30.752.693,005</em><em>. And the value of the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is </em><em>66,005</em><em>% and the Payback Period (PP) is 0.11. So corn farming in Sumuran hamlet is feasible to try.</em></p> Wasis Haryanto, Qory Zuniana Copyright (c) 2024 Wasis Haryanto https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ejurnal.uij.ac.id/index.php/kub/article/view/2341 Wed, 20 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700