The Application of Quantum Learning Model On the Eight Grade Students In Circles Material at SMPN 5 Jombang


  • Yoga Wahyu Pratama Universitas Hasyim Asy’ari, Indonesia



            This study aims to describe the application of the quantum learning model in the material of the central angle, the circumference of the circumference and the area of circle circle in class VIII students in terms of the ability of the teacher to manage learning, student learning outcomes, student learning activities, and student responses. The design of this study uses the One-Shot Case Study. The subjects of this study were class VIII B SMPN 5 Jombang. Data collection techniques used the test, observation, and questionnaire methods using the instrument of student learning outcomes test sheets, observation sheets the ability of teachers to manage learning, observation sheets of student activities and student response questionnaires. Based on the results of data analysis shows that: (1) student learning outcomes complete and meet the KKM. Classically, student learning outcomes are 76.67%. While individually students completed 23  from 30 student . (2) the ability of the teacher to manage learning from the observed aspects as a whole obtain an average score of 4 including in the excellent category. (3) student activities during learning, from the results of the study showed the percentage of overall student activity of 77.78% included in the active category. (4) students' responses to all learning respond positively.

Keywords: quantum learning, circles


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How to Cite

Pratama, Y. W. (2020). The Application of Quantum Learning Model On the Eight Grade Students In Circles Material at SMPN 5 Jombang. Jurnal Axioma : Jurnal Matematika Dan Pembelajaran, 5(1), 49–55.


