Vol. 7 No. 2 (2024): NOVEMBER
Jurnal MID-Z (Midwifery Zigot) Jurnal Ilmiah Kebidanan was previously managed by the Midwifery Academy Bina Husada Jember, D III Midwifery Study Program in 2018. Jurnal MID-Z (Midwifery Zigot) Jurnal Ilmiah Kebidanan is a Scientific Journal of Midwifery managed by the D III Midwifery Study Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, Islamic University of Jember, Indonesia. This journal is supported by practitioners and scientists from various institutions which involve expertise in Midwifery. Jurnal MID-Z (Midwifery Zigot) Jurnal Ilmiah Kebidanan received original manuscripts from both research and literature reviews in the field of health of both mother and child.
Jurnal MID-Z (Midwifery Zigot) Jurnal Ilmiah Kebidanan is published under the number ISSN-E 2621-7015 ISSN-P 2656-8586 and this journal is supported by practitioners and scientists from various institutions who have expertise in the field of Midwifery.
Jurnal MID-Z (Midwifery Zigot) Jurnal Ilmiah Kebidanan the scientific Journal of Midwifery is a national journal publishes literature study, case study, and research articles in the following fields Pregnancy, Birth, Newborn, Adolescence, Pathology, Family Planning, Reproduction health, Nutrition, Climacterium, Midwifery Community, Child health, Education in midwifery, Complementary therapy in midwifery, Pharmacology, Health promotion, Health information systems
Instant Powder of Lemongrass (Cymbopogon Citratus) on Dysmenorrhea Intensity in Adolescent
DOI : https://doi.org/10.56013/jurnalmidz.v7i2.3173
Abstract View: 16, PDF Download: 10 -
Consumption of Young Coconut Water as an Effort to Treat Menstrual Pain in Adolescent Girls
DOI : https://doi.org/10.56013/jurnalmidz.v7i2.3277
Abstract View: 20, PDF Download: 15 -
Effect Prenatal Yoga on Pregnancy: Literatur Review
DOI : https://doi.org/10.56013/jurnalmidz.v7i2.3283
Abstract View: 17, PDF Download: 19 -
Effect of Perineal Massage on Perineal Trauma: Scoping Review
DOI : https://doi.org/10.56013/jurnalmidz.v7i2.3289
Abstract View: 31, PDF Download: 20 -
The Influence of Breast Massage Toward Breast Milk Production on Breastfeeding of Mother
DOI : https://doi.org/10.56013/jurnalmidz.v7i2.3293
Abstract View: 26, PDF Download: 14 -
The Effect of Giving Ajwa Dates on Increasing Hemoglobin Levels in Adolescent Girls
DOI : https://doi.org/10.56013/jurnalmidz.v7i2.3304
Abstract View: 22, PDF Download: 15 -
Comparisons between the Role of Working Mothers and Housewives in the Development of Children Aged 3-5 th Years
DOI : https://doi.org/10.56013/jurnalmidz.v7i2.3318
Abstract View: 24, PDF Download: 20 -
The Effect of Hypnobirthing Relaxation on Reducing Anxiety Levels in Pregnant Women Trimester III
DOI : https://doi.org/10.56013/jurnalmidz.v7i2.3396
Abstract View: 32, pdf Download: 30 -
Medication Adherence in Diabetes Mellitus Patients
DOI : https://doi.org/10.56013/jurnalmidz.v7i2.2869
Abstract View: 17, PDF Download: 7 -
Analysis of Factors Affecting Employee Performance at Public Health Center
DOI : https://doi.org/10.56013/jurnalmidz.v7i2.2865
Abstract View: 15, PDF Download: 7