Pertanggungjawaban Pidana Pelaku Cyberbullying Menggunakan Fake Account


  • izzata barid zein Universitas Islam Jember Indonesia
  • Firda Laily Mufid Universitas Islam Jember Indonesia
  • Yuli Winiari Wahyuningtyas Universitas Islam Jember Indonesia
  • Abd Manab Universitas Islam Jember Indonesia



Formulation of the problem of law enforcement against
cyberbullying perpetrators and criminal liability for cyberbullying
perpetrators who use fake accounts with the aim of finding out law
enforcement against cyberbullying perpetrators. and to find out
criminal liability for perpetrators of cyberbullying. using a Fake
Account. The method in this research uses a normative juridical
research type. Conclusions from this research. Law enforcement
against cyberbullying crimes is contained in the Criminal Code and
Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic
Transactions, there are several articles related to forms of
cyberbullying relating to prevention, prosecution and prosecution
of perpetrators and victims. The issuance of the SKB on the ITE
Law serves as a guide for law enforcement. The articles contained in
the SKB can be studied objectively by law enforcers and resolve
cases without having to be submitted to court and strengthen the
position of criminal justice as the ultimum remidium, namely that
criminal punishment or sanctions are an alternative or last resort
in law enforcement. . The purpose of forming this SKB is to
maintain a clean, healthy, productive and fair Indonesian digital
space. The burden of responsibility is imposed on the perpetrator of
a criminal act in connection with the basis for imposing criminal
sanctions. The nature of responsibility for his actions is against the
law and there is no excuse. This issue of responsibility is stated in
Article 44 of the Criminal Code.




How to Cite

barid zein, izzata, Laily Mufid, F. ., Winiari Wahyuningtyas, Y. ., & Manab, A. (2024). Pertanggungjawaban Pidana Pelaku Cyberbullying Menggunakan Fake Account. WELFARE STATE Jurnal Hukum, 3(2), 171–196.




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