Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Oktober
Welfare State Law Journal is a scientific journal published periodically by the Law Studies Program, Faculty of Law, Islamic University of Jember. The Welfare State Law Journal was formed with the aim of being an effective means of improving the culture of research and publication of scientific work for legal academics and practitioners that is in accordance with national quality standards. Welfare State Law Journal is published periodically twice a year, namely in April and October with 6 articles in each issue number. The study focus of the Welfare State Journal of Law covers major legal issues both in Indonesia and internationally in the scope of Civil Law, Criminal Law, Corporate Law, Criminal Justice Policy and Law, Constitutional Law, Human Rights Law, Administrative Law, Environmental Law, Land Law , Intellectual Property Law, Information Technology Law, International Law, Islamic Law, Legal Principles and Theory, Legal Research Methodology, and Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution
Full Issue
Pertanggungjawaban Debitur Yang Tidak Melaksanakan Kewajibannya Terhadap Kreditur Berdasarkan Perjanjian PKPU (Studi Kasus PT. ST)
DOI : https://doi.org/10.56013/welfarestate.v1i2.1596
Abstract View: 219, PDF Download: 273 -
Analisis Hukuman Kebiri Kimia dan Pemasangan Alat Pendeteksi Elektronik Bagi Pelaku Kekerasan Seksual Terhadap Anak
DOI : https://doi.org/10.56013/welfarestate.v1i2.1670
Abstract View: 174, PDF Download: 249 -
Perlindungan Hukum Pemilik Hak Cipta Terkait Pembajakan Karya Sinematografi Pada Platform Telegram
DOI : https://doi.org/10.56013/welfarestate.v1i2.1669
Abstract View: 480, PDF Download: 840 -
Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Investor Pada Transaksi Aset Mata Uang Digital Cryptocurrency Di Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.56013/welfarestate.v1i2.1683
Abstract View: 359, PDF Download: 508 -
Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Pencipta Film Terhadap Peredaran Digital Video Disk (DVD) Film Bajakan
DOI : https://doi.org/10.56013/welfarestate.v1i2.1693
Abstract View: 345, PDF Download: 326 -
Pertanggungjawaban Bank Terhadap Nasabah Dalam Layanan Perbankan Digital
DOI : https://doi.org/10.56013/welfarestate.v1i2.1696
Abstract View: 373, PDF Download: 653