Vol. 2 No. 2 (2017): Juli
Jurnal Axioma : Jurnal Matematika dan Pembelajaran is a mathematic learning journal that contains of articles about mathematics and mathematic teaching and learning with various types of research. In mathematic teaching and learning focus this journal has some scope, it’s about: (1) Mathematical thinking processes; (2) Mathematics learning assessment; (3) The curriculum in mathematics learning; (4) Mathematics learning models; (5) Media & technology in mathematics learning; (6) Professional development of mathematics teachers; (7) Ethno mathematics in mathematics learning. And then in mathematics fokus this journal has some scope, it’s about: (1) Graf; (2) Statistic; (3) Algebra; (4) Analysis; (5) Geometry; and (6) Calculus.
Jurnal Axioma : Jurnal Matematika dan Pembelajaran published twice a year in January and July.
Jurnal Axioma : Jurnal Matematika dan Pembelajaran published by Mathematics Education Program, Faculty of Teaching and Education, Islamic University of Jember.
Jurnal Axioma : Jurnal Matematika dan Pembelajaran has number of ISSN for electronic and print. The number for E ISSN is 2615-0697 and for P ISSN is 2622-8149.
Improving Students Activity and Students Learning Outcomes by Using Creative Problem Solving Learning with Used Box Props
Abstract View: 120, PDF Download: 137 -
Improving Students Activity and Students Mathematic Learning Outcomes by Using Scientific Learning Approach
Abstract View: 160, PDF Download: 92 -
Study Comparison of Learning Outcomes between the User and Non User LEKER GABEL with Hotpotatos in Islamic University Of Jember
Abstract View: 145, PDF Download: 125 -
The Development of 2P2M Learning Tools for Students with Cognitive Style Reviews in Differential Calculus Courses
Abstract View: 123, PDF Download: 195 -
The Development of Kriptosistem Polyalphabetic Cipher with Total Antimagic Edges Labeling on Tribune Graph
Abstract View: 136, PDF Download: 156 -
The Critical Thinking Analysis of Middle School Students in Solving Open Ended Mathematical Problems at Social Arithmetic Material
Abstract View: 227, PDF Download: 337 -
Improving Activity and Learning Outcomes by Using Think Pair Share (TPS) Type with Card
Abstract View: 78, PDF Download: 71 -
Improving Activity and Learning Outcomes by Using JIGSAW Type with Algebraic Tiles Props
Abstract View: 80, PDF Download: 59 -
Improving Activity and Learning Outcomes by Using Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL) with Van Hiele Theory
Abstract View: 93, PDF Download: 63