Hubungan Keperdataan Anak Luar Kawin Pasca Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi No. 46/PUU-VIII/2010
The birth of a child is a legal event . Legal events such as births due to pregnancy which are preceded by sexual intercourse between a woman with a man. The legal consequences of the legal relationship in which there are rights and obligations are reciprocal legal subject consisting of mother, father and child . Children born outside of marriage is legitimate or known outside the child married , do not have a civil relationship with her father and only had a civil relationship with her mother and her mother's family . Since the Constitutional Court Decision No. 46 / PUU - VIII /2010 dated February 27, 2012, declared that article does not have binding legal force . A child outside of marriage can have a civil relationship with a man ( the biological father ) can all be proven by science and technology and / or other evidence according to the law turned out to have a blood relationship as father.