If articles written in Indonesia, title use in Indonesian and abstract must use Indonesian and English version.
If articles written in english, title and abstract only use in English version
Each article submitted to the editorial board will be selected through an initial review process by the Editorial Board. After the manuscript is submitted by the author through the online submission process, the journal editor will screen the manuscript and decide whether to continue the review process or not. After completing the initial screening, the manuscript will be sent to the reviewer. The basic thing for the initial screening is the suitability of the article to the scope of the journal, and the format of the article.
Articles submitted to this online journal will be peer reviewed by a minimum of 2 (two) reviewers and will proceed to the next selection through the Double Blind Preview Process.
The editor will notify you of the review results via email.
Finally, the journal editor considers the peer reviewer's report and makes a decision to accept or reject the manuscript for publication.
Articles with similarities below 20% will be accepted and more than 20% will be rejected.
Accepted articles will be available online after the journal's peer review process. Authors will be notified via email about the status of their articles.